Question 1: Our theme is Gathering, how does it feel to be at (name of event)?
It’s good to be back
I can meet all my friends again
I have the opportunity to make new friends
Being able to play with friends is great
Being in a group helps build my confidence
Being around people helps me find new skills
It’s good to be socialising
It’s more fun being together than being stuck on your own
It makes me happy
Question 2: Is there anything you would like us to record about how the last 2 years have been for you?
It’s been boring being stuck at home
It was quite scary not knowing when we were going to get back to normal
I’ve missed being at school and seeing a proper teacher
It’s nicer to see people face to face
I felt lonely during lockdown
It was good to begin with as I got some family time but after a while I wanted to get out again
I am happy and excited not that lockdown has ended
I’m so glad I don’t need to wear masks anymore
It was hard to breathe behind the masks
Sometimes I didn’t recognise people behind their masks
It’s hard to speak and listen properly in a mask
People don’t know if you’re smiling or sad behind your mask
‘I really enjoyed making our tree it was really fun’
‘I am super proud of our together tree’
‘I come to the group because it gives me something to do after school’
‘The last 2 years have been stressful but amazing, stressful because we couldn’t go out but amazing because we weren’t at school’
‘No one actually did any home schooling, I just sat in my room most of the time’
‘I felt the last 2 years were depressing because we couldn’t see anyone’
‘I love coming to the group because it gives me time away from my brothers and sisters’
‘We always have a laugh with each other at the group’
‘I love coming to the group for the good food and the company’
Question 1: “Our theme is gathering, how does it feel to be at Castlebank Gardens today?”
“Good to be back out with other people again”
“Very mindful, I like the sewing activity, the company really helps too.”
“I’ve enjoyed today as I’ve not been out as much.”
“It was definitely worth the drive here, wish they would do more of this kind of thing in my area, I’ve came from Edinburgh after reading up on SMHAF festival and seeing what was on.”
Question 2: Is there anything you would like us to record about how the last 2 years have been for you?
“It’s been lonely and stressful, I’m glad it seems to be coming to an end now.”
“It was like a wee break or holiday at the start when things stopped but I wasn’t long in getting fed up with it all, it wasn’t nice the longer it went on.”
“Fell away from normality, it was an odd time indeed.”
“At times it was like being an extra in a horror film, I’d never have thought of walking about in masks, but that became normal quick.”