Schizo-Affective Disorder

Many people have never heard of schizo affective disorder. It's often confused with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, because the symptoms are similar to both. Even now, it's quite common for doctors to change their minds. You may have been given several different diagnoses, perhaps by different doctors.

Although schizo affective disorder is regarded as a life-long problem for many people, it's relatively milder than either bipolar disorder or schizophrenia and needn't stop you from carrying on an ordinary life, studying, working, forming relationships or having a family.

Some people only ever have one episode, but others may have flare-ups of symptoms at intervals throughout their life, usually when they are under stress. After each relapse, most people gradually make a full recovery. Between episodes, it's quite likely that you won't have any symptoms at all, or only minor ones.