SilverCloud CBT Programme

SilverCloud online programs that will help to teach you techniques that helps you reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, low mood or depression.

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We are pleased to tell you about the release of a new additional content module to SilverCloud cCBT Program – Challenging Times. This module has been specifically designed to support people as they navigate the current COVID-19 crisis and will be added as an additional module to the existing Chronic Pain and Diabetes Type 1 & 2 programs. 

The module provides mental health support for anyone dealing with difficult emotions and situations, brought on by COVID-19. This includes frontline staff, parents, people providing essential services and people in self-isolation.

Module Contents

  • The module provides psychoeducation and some key strategies to support users' mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • It is designed to help normalise worries and difficult emotions, such as fear and anxiety
  • It provides emotional coping strategies like relaxation, grounding and worry time
  • It gives practical solutions for maintaining well-being in a time of crisis, e.g. self-care, social support, prioritisation and routine building
  • It suggests strategies for how to stay hopeful during these difficult times  

Additionally, several new programmes have now been added to the SilverCloud platform.  All these programs are now available and have the additional module challenging times contained within each program.  

  • Space from COVID19
  • Space from Diabetes
  • Space from Chronic Pain
  • Space from COPD
  • Space from Chronic Heart Disease
  • Space from OCD
  • Space from Panic
  • Space from Phobia
  • Space from Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Space from Social Anxiety
  • Space from Health Anxiety
  • Multiple Sclerosis (coming soon)

What is SilverCloud?

SilverCloud provides private and secure access anywhere, anytime to evidence-based, online programs that will help to teach you techniques that helps you reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, low mood or depression.  Based on cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness and positive psychology SilverCloud is very interactive and very flexible. The program can be run on a PC or laptop.  It can also be used on your mobile phone or tablet device so that you always have access to it.

How will it help me?

SilverCloud will help you to pinpoint and change unhelpful ways of thinking that can affect how you feel while teaching you more effective ways of solving problems.

What is CBT?

CBT is a psychological therapy that works on the relationships between thoughts (cognitions), behaviours and feelings.  CBT teaches the individual how to recognise and tackle problems here and now, rather than in the past.  It has been widely studied and has been proven to work especially on depression and anxiety.

How to use Silver Cloud?

We recommended use SilverCloud 40 minutes per week, over 6-8 weeks at a regular time if you can about 3 or 4 times a week about 10-15 minutes when you have time to yourself for example on your lunch breaks, on the bus home, in the evening, when the kids are in bed.  As with most things, it may take time and practice to make progress.

Why Use it?

SilverCloud programs have demonstrated high improvement rates for stress, anxiety and depression.  You set your own pace, it is not time consuming, and you don’t have to stick to rigid appointments.

To find out more information on how to access SilverCloud please download the Patient Questions attachments from the top of the page. Guidelines and  downloaded from the links below. 

How do I access the service?

Discuss the programs with your GP or Health professional who will be able to make a referral to the service for you.

Contact Information

Local Co-ordinator: Diane Reilly
Address: cCBT Service, Psychological Therapies, Level 2, Houldsworth Centre, Kenilworth Avenue, Wishaw, ML2 7BQ
Telephone: 01355 597999


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