Panic attacks are a common feature of agoraphobia. A panic attack is an unpredictable attack of intense fear and anxiety. Because panic attacks can be unpredictable, people often worry about them happening when they have to go into a public place. This can cause the person to start avoiding any situation where a panic attack might happen.
In extreme cases, people with agoraphobia may be unable to leave their home unless accompanied by another trusted person.
Agoraphobia usually begins in the late 20s and is more common in women than men, (although that may be because fewer men seek help).
Approximately 5% of adults develop agoraphobia. Agoraphobia sometimes starts suddenly and sometimes it develops slowly. Often there is no obvious cause. Without treatment, agoraphobia can continue for years and may become more severe with time.
Many agoraphobics have other phobias too (see article on phobias). This is described as a complex phobia.
People with agoraphobia may experience some or all of the following symptoms when in public places:
It is rare for a person to have all of these symptoms at once. However, if someone experiences several of these symptoms together this suggests it is a panic attack.
In extreme cases, the symptoms can make the person flee from where they are to a place where they feel safe. This can make them avoid the situation that brought on the symptoms in the future.
Although some people with agoraphobia will feel marked anxiety or distress on leaving home or being in public places the symptoms do not develop into a panic attack.
Some agoraphobics may experience little anxiety because they can avoid the situations that cause their phobia. Agoraphobia is also linked to some other conditions like depression and obsessive compulsive disorder.
The root cause of agoraphobia is not known. Research studies have found that agoraphobia tends to run in families, but it is not clear if this is because of a genetic link or for some other reason.
A diagnosis is usually made by a healthcare professional based on a description of the symptoms. However, the following need to be considered:
The information shown here is Crown copyright and has been reproduced with the permission of NHS Direct. Last updated June 2007