Support for Adults
Lanarkshire's first stop for online mental health and wellbeing, providing information for people seeking assistance with mental health problems
Mental health is about how people think and feel. How we think and feel affects our overall health and wellbeing and quality of life. Many factors influence mental health - housing, jobs, schools, transport, the environment - as well as the way we live our lives.
Due to the current and changing guidance provided by the government on COVID-19 please be aware that services and groups may be subject to change at very short notice. Please contact services, supports, projects and groups directly for up to date information.
Distress Brief Interventions (DBIs) are an innovative way of supporting people in distress.
Well Connected is Lanarkshire's social prescribing programme. Well Connected makes it easy for people to take part in and benefit from activities and services that we know can improve well-being.
Calm Distress, a new online course from NHS Lanarkshire Psychological Services.
Our Mental Health Topics A-Z offers information on problems, issues and treatment options, including the latest news, upcoming events and free, downloadable self help guides on issues relating to well being and mental health.
Many people can benefit from using self-help booklets as an aid to understand the problems they are experiencing and learn new ways to help them deal with those problems.